News and inspiration

Deepening the Dance of Creativity with Large La...

By focusing on 'prompting', we position ourselves in a high-speed partnership that combines the computational power of AI with human creativity and judgment. We prompt and in return are prompted...

Deepening the Dance of Creativity with Large La...

By focusing on 'prompting', we position ourselves in a high-speed partnership that combines the computational power of AI with human creativity and judgment. We prompt and in return are prompted...

Maximizing Benefits: A Strategic Approach to Im...

By taking a strategic, job-first approach to implementing language models, you can minimize chaos and ensure that your investments yield tangible benefits. By identifying key tasks, providing comprehensive training, and focusing on one job...

Maximizing Benefits: A Strategic Approach to Im...

By taking a strategic, job-first approach to implementing language models, you can minimize chaos and ensure that your investments yield tangible benefits. By identifying key tasks, providing comprehensive training, and focusing on one job...

Mastering the ChatGPT Tango: A Four-Step Guide to Success

Mastering the ChatGPT Tango: A Four-Step Guide ...

Mastering ChatGPT requires a balance of all four steps: thorough preparation, artful prompting, a methodical process, and your proficiency. A prompt alone isn't enough, but combined with a sound preparatory...

Mastering the ChatGPT Tango: A Four-Step Guide ...

Mastering ChatGPT requires a balance of all four steps: thorough preparation, artful prompting, a methodical process, and your proficiency. A prompt alone isn't enough, but combined with a sound preparatory...

The Power of Knowledge Analytics: Harnessing Data Analysis Techniques for Idea Management

The Power of Knowledge Analytics: Harnessing Da...

Just as data analytics has transformed industries, the analytics of knowledge holds the potential to revolutionize our approach towards understanding and managing knowledge. The future of knowledge management, it seems,...

The Power of Knowledge Analytics: Harnessing Da...

Just as data analytics has transformed industries, the analytics of knowledge holds the potential to revolutionize our approach towards understanding and managing knowledge. The future of knowledge management, it seems,...

Bridging the Gap from Data to Wisdom: How AI and Humans should Collaborate

Bridging the Gap from Data to Wisdom: How AI an...

The journey from data to wisdom isn't a solitary one - for either humans or AI. It necessitates a collaboration that leverages the strengths and mitigates the weaknesses of each. While...

Bridging the Gap from Data to Wisdom: How AI an...

The journey from data to wisdom isn't a solitary one - for either humans or AI. It necessitates a collaboration that leverages the strengths and mitigates the weaknesses of each. While...

A 5-Step Guide to Mastering Complex Work with ChatGPT

A 5-Step Guide to Mastering Complex Work with C...

In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to effectively communicate ideas and solve complex problems is more important than ever. ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, can help...

A 5-Step Guide to Mastering Complex Work with C...

In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to effectively communicate ideas and solve complex problems is more important than ever. ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, can help...