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PROMPT for Musicians (eBook)

PROMPT for Musicians (eBook)

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Helping brands grow is our day job. But our passion is music, so we took what we learned writing PROMPT and

worked with some fantastic artists and music people to adapt it for artists. We’d love to see more artists able to live from music alone. We believe this will help.

As we went to press with this, the coding website GitHub reported that, amongst coders using AI to help them code, 73% were better able to stay in the flow and conserve mental energy, and 75% feel more fulfilled and able to focus on more satisfying work. We hope and believe that PROMPT for Musicians can help you elevate your ChatGPT game so that it plays these same roles for you.

Last updated: April 2023. 

Where to start? If you're wondering where to begin, PROMPT for Brands is a great starting point that is applicable to most organizations, even those that don't consider themselves as 'brands.' Starting with PROMPT for Brands provides a broad set of principles that can be applied to any industry. However, if your industry has a specialized book available, it would be best to start there and then complement it with PROMPT for Brands to gain additional insights. Regardless of where you begin, if you decide to purchase additional books, you can enjoy a 75% discount on each subsequent purchase. Think of it as joining a family!

** Money-back guarantee - if you don't love it, your money back. No questions asked **

** If you don't feel you can spare the cash right now, reach out, and we'll send you a copy. **

👩‍🏫 Want more? Our on-demand PROMPT class at Music Hackspace is here. Personalised training is also available here.

🙏🏻 Supported by The Association For Electronic Music, Audiense, AVA Festival, The BPI, Creative Industries Initiative for Africa, Drowned In Sound, Music Hackspace, MYT Make Your Transitions, Night Time Industries Association, Secret Sessions Academy, Trapital and many more.

📚 Want a physical copy? (email us to tell us you bought it, and we'll make sure you get digital updates and free copies of our other books!)

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Praise for PROMPT

“... A must-have for any brand manager or marketing professional looking to use Al to improve their efforts. Don't miss out on this valuable resource …”
- Stan Sthanunathan, Retired Executive Vice President of Consumer and Market Intelligence, Unilever. CEO of

“... ChatGPT may turn out to be the most significant news event of 2022. If I'm right, then kudos to marketing mavens Richard Bowman and David Boyle for producing the first book on the topic. I read it over a long airplane ride this weekend, and it crystallized my thinking about what makes this technology revolutionary …”
- Alan Murray, CEO and Editor, FORTUNE

"... If you want to own your destiny for the next 10, 20 or 30 years, you better know a little bit about generative AI - this is a really great, instructive book …"
- Vala Afshar, Chief Digital Evangelist, Salesforce

"... ChatGPT is here and the floodgates are open! The marketing world needs this book right now to steer us through the next chapter in strategic brand growth …"
- Sam Coates, Head of Data & Analytics, Ogilvy

“... This is the book I recommend you buy and download to understand how to use Chat GPT … it’s really really great. Lots of detail, easy to follow and all the use cases you need for marketing. These folks have a proper marketing background but if you don't, it will STILL be useful. They clearly poured our hearts into this book …”
- Colin Lewis, Senior Marketer and Columnist, Marketing Week

“... The future is here, but not everyone is ready. You can guarantee you stay ahead of the curve with this fantastic new book on how to properly prompt the latest Al technology to ensure you get the most out of ChatGPT …”
- David McRaney, Science Journalist and Bestselling Author of 'How Minds Change' and ‘You Are Not So Smart'

"... Prompt gives you the confidence to perform Tarzan Economics, and reach out to the new vine of AI marketing tools that maintain competitiveness, and keep you in the game …"
- Will Page, author of Tarzan Economics and former Chief Economist of Spotify and PRS for Music

“… If you’re a marketer, a small business owner, a creator, or ... well, anyone, really, you need to clear your reading queue, clean off your bedside table, and dive in …”
- Alistair Croll, Author of Lean Analytics and Just Evil Enough (upcoming), a subversive marketing playbook for the attention economy

More praise from The Guardian, Harvard University, ESOMAR and more here.