Understanding the Four Flavours of ChatGPT

Understanding the Four Flavours of ChatGPT

In the world of artificial intelligence, OpenAI's ChatGPT has been making waves due to its advanced capabilities. However, it's important to understand that there are actually several different versions of this technology, each with its own unique capabilities and uses. Here, we're going to break down these four flavours of ChatGPT in simple terms. While all of them hold a lot of potential, only the first version is currently stable and in wide use. The rest are still experimental and have bugs, but they promise to be incredible tools once they're ready for prime time!

1. ChatGPT

At its most basic level, ChatGPT consists of a trained model, a prompt, and memory. This means that the model has been taught how to understand and generate language, and it uses that training to respond to prompts or instructions that you give it. The memory part means that it can keep track of the conversation and provide relevant responses.

This version of ChatGPT is primarily used for thinking and communicating tasks. For example, it can help draft emails, write essays, brainstorm ideas, or even provide a friendly chat companion.

2. ChatGPT + Web (ChatGPT with browsing)

The next flavor is ChatGPT with browsing capabilities. This version still includes the trained model, prompt, and memory, but it also has the ability to browse 2-4 web pages. This means that it can pull in information from the internet to provide more up-to-date and extensive responses.

Like the original ChatGPT, this version is also useful for thinking and communicating tasks. However, the browsing feature allows it to provide more detailed and recent information.

3. ChatGPT + Tools (ChatGPT with functional plugins)

The third version of ChatGPT includes functional plugins. In addition to the trained model, prompt, and memory, this version of ChatGPT can also use tools like Instacart, OpenTable, Kayak, and more. This means that it can actually carry out real-world tasks.

This version of ChatGPT is useful for doing real-world tasks. For example, it could potentially help you order groceries, make restaurant reservations, or book flights.

4. ChatGPT + Data (ChatGPT with Python)

The final flavor of ChatGPT includes Python and data handling capabilities. This version includes the trained model, prompt, memory, and your data. You can upload your data and have ChatGPT analyze it using Python.

This version of ChatGPT is useful for analytics and data science tasks. It could be used to analyze large data sets, produce reports, or even help with predictive modeling.


While it's exciting to consider the possibilities these versions of ChatGPT hold, it's important to remember that the first version is the only one widely available and stable at present. The others – ChatGPT with browsing, ChatGPT with functional plugins, and ChatGPT with Python – are still in their experimental stages. This means that they're not widely available and have lots of bugs. However, they hold immense promise, and once they're ready for prime time, they're set to revolutionise the way we interact with AI. 

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